Inspired by Wonder Woman!

After watching the movie "Wonder Woman", I was taken on reflections about us, the women:

Resultado de imagem para mulher maravilha1. We are 49.6% of the world's population (World Bank)

2. We are 50.8% (more than 107 million) of the population of Brazil (

3. In the last census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2015), we were 51.5%

4. We have an average life expectancy of 7 years greater than men (IBGE)

5. There are fewer illiterate women than men (data from 2014, IBGE)

6. Women are the majority in the post graduation in Brazil (In 2015, 175,419 women were enrolled and graduated in masters and doctoral courses, while men totaled 150,236, a difference of approximately 15%.)

7. 41% of women contribute to family income and 38.7% of the 57.3 million registered households are headed by women (data from 2015). 42% of those women living with their children, but without a partner.

Are we a minority? Statistically not, at least here in Brazil. We are strong and we do not even need figures to prove it.

We are more than statistics. We are more than data on wages, career opportunities, wage differences.

Yes, we have physical differences. Yes, we are more colorful, more talkative, we stay in TPM, we are more sensitive. All this can help us or not. It depends on the moment, from the point of view, of the situation.

But far beyond that, we are each an individual, the smallest minority that there may be. Each one, a human being, with its difficulties, its qualities, its pains.

At a time when the existence of only two genders is already questioned, why reduce us to that question?

We are HUMAN. We are WONDERFUL! Simple like that.


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